Your winning team

Vlado Golub
Mr. Smooth Operator is our first line of IT defense. Our warehouse is safe 24/7 since Vlado never sleeps. He makes us all calm and relaxed 'cause he truly is our guardian angel. And yes, cargo from Spain is his newest addition to the long list of logistics hobbies.
Ivana Pleša
The biggest transfer in 2015, with Ivana returning to the family nest, everything got more vibrant, secured and improved. Her spirit is unbreakable, and she never shows she is ever tired. She is all over the place and that is something what a future manager should do. With her, we can all dream a bright future.

Nedjeljko Čolić
Your action man in every sense of the word! He is the reluctant old-school hero for the new digital age. Don't bother him with fancy words and strong phrases 'cause he just doesn't care. To be happy and achieve super efficiency just give him a reliable vehicle and send him to another city. That way all papers for clearing arrive faster than you can say: "Customs".

Sanja Hojan
Merchandising femme fatale always ready to deal with tones of paperwork. For her, when dealing with invoices, it's just like baking a cake, always with a big smile and pinch of sweat. And yes, beside every client she deals with on daily basis, even the hard customs boys are completely powerless to her charm and skills.

Tomislav Pleša
He's got all the moves, and feels the logistics grooves. He's always hungry and always ready for any task given. No project is big, no mission is hard, no paperwork is boring him enough. To be or always be, that is his eternal question. That much dedicated he is!

Mirjana Pleša-Bucalić
What to say about our spiritus movens? With her numerous skillset, she gives a word manager a new meaning. Welcoming every employee and waving every business problem with a same smile can only be a virtue of a true leader. Real mom just to one of us, but the mother to us all.

Darko Bucalić
His looks can be deceiving, his moustache sometimes scaring. But one thing is certain - Darko is our leader with enormous experience and appetite to go along. He is always ready to share his knowledge as well as couple of fresh jokes. Apparently he is going to retire, but that is just a rumor aim to scare the competition.

Tomislav Ševerdija
The custom personal is his wild bunch. All those paperwork, clearance and procedures he finds utterly attractive and completely irresistible. It really is his favorite literature for the end of the day and for the start of the morning.